A new year means new shows
Christmas and the ringing in of the New Year have come and gone,
and for most of us that means one thing: It’s time to get ready for
a new year of engine shows! And it’s not a moment too soon for
those of us living in northern climes, where by this time of the
year it’s getting old waiting for 500 pounds of iron to heat up in
the shop before we can start getting to work.
A lot of work goes into getting that newly-acquired engine ready
for the show season, especially when it’s a rare 6 HP Type A Seager
Olds (check out Norm Stobert’s Seager on page 24) or a 6 HP Gilson
Guelph (read about Steve Alt’s engine on page 20). Norm and Steve’s
restored engines join a legion of new engine finds making their
rounds at shows, and if engines like theirs are any indication,
it’s going to be another banner year for farm shows around the
By the time this issue of Gas Engine Magazine is in
readers’ hands, the 33rd Annual Farm Collector Show
Directory will be at the printer. Just as it is every year,
the 2007 directory is packed with show information.
The latest directory includes over 1,400 detailed show listings
and 450 show advertisements, highlighting special events and
collections at shows around the country. And it’s the place to find
ads from suppliers around the country, the folks who help all of us
by supplying the parts and materials we need to keep our rare and
valuable engines and equipment running.
There’s a section with chronological listings, making it easier
to plan your show season. There are also grouped listings of shows
featuring recognized manufacturers like John Deere and IHC, and
critical contact information for clubs and publications around the
It’s all there in 480 pages, and if you haven’t ordered already,
get copies for yourself and your friends by calling us toll free at
(866) 6249388, or order on the web at:
Richard Backus
U.S.P.S. #214560
Founded in 1966 by Rev. Elmer Ritzman
Published Bimonthly: An Internal Combustion Historical
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$44.95/6 issues, Canada
$68.95/6 issues all other countries
First Class or Air Subscription Rates
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$73/6 issues, Canada
$93/6 issues all other countries
All subscriptions are in U.S. funds; Visa, MasterCard,
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Bryan Welch
Bill Uhler
Richard Backus, Editor-in-Chief
Erin Shipps, Associate Editor
Kay Winford, Assistant Editor
Carolyn Lang, Group Art Director
Terry Algarin, Assistant Art Director
Cherilyn Olmsted
Andrew Perkins, Marketing Director
Terri Keitel, Marketing Representative
Mandy Miller, Advertising Coordinator
Kristy Culp, Classified Advertising
See page 63 for a complete listing of deadlines for submission
of material for coming issues.
Send subscriptions and renewals to:
1503 S.W. 42nd St.
Topeka, KS 66609-1265
Telephone: (800) 888-9098
Fax: 785-274-4300
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