
By Staff
Published on October 1, 2006
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A fine pair by any measure. Jeff Colwell (left) and Terry Black with their Ideal engines.
A fine pair by any measure. Jeff Colwell (left) and Terry Black with their Ideal engines.
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Old friends, new challenges

Old engine fans get their motivation from any number of sources.
Many of us are driven by a simple love of old iron, and a desire to
remind ourselves how things were done back in the day.

And many of us enjoy the chance to preserve a slice of American
history and tradition, repairing and restoring our old engines in a
bid to ensure future generations have a chance to appreciate a
bygone era.

For friends Terry Black and Jeff Colwell, it’s all of these
things, and more.

You see, Terry and Jeff, who like to consider themselves as
mentor and student (Jeff says he’s the student), have taken a
slightly different approach to restoring engines.

In a bit of friendly competition, the two recently purchased a
pair of similar Ideal air-cooled engines and then set to giving the
pair the restoration they deserved.

Terry thinks his engine is a 2 HP, while Jeff’s pretty sure his
Ideal with the black flywheels is a 1-1/2 HP. The engines were
found in 2005, purchased early this year, and ready in time for the
2006 show season.

These were challenged engines in need of a great deal of work.
Parts were missing and carts had to be made, but with a disciplined
approach both mentor and student – with the help of a few of their
engine buddies – were able to bring their engines back to life.

The Ideals look great, but now that the restorations are
complete, Terry and Jeff are trying to decide who did a better job
– the teacher, or the student?

We want your vote on which looks best, so check out the photos
we’ve posted on our website at www.GasEngineMagazine.com

Once you’ve decided, call, write or e-mail assistant editor Erin
Shipps and we’ll print the results along with the full story on
this pair of restorations in the next issue of GEM.

Richard Backus


U.S.P.S. #214560

Founded in 1966 by Rev. Elmer Ritzman

Published Bimonthly: An Internal Combustion Historical


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Bryan Welch


Bill Uhler


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