
By Staff
Published on July 1, 2006
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The March/April 1985 issue of Gas Engine Magazine heralded the change
The March/April 1985 issue of Gas Engine Magazine heralded the change
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The more things change, the more they stay the same

When Rev. Elmer Ritzman launched Gas Engine Magazine 40
years ago, he tapped into a growing interest in the preservation
and restoration of stationary engines. Ritzman was no stranger to
old iron: Twenty years earlier, he had launched The Farm
, which eventually became Iron-Men Album and
then Steam Traction.

As he had done with The Farm Album, Ritzman combined
his natural enthusiasm with a sincere interest in old iron to
satisfy the wants and needs of a unique community of like-minded

For 19 years Gas Engine Magazine readers eagerly
awaited their bimonthly fix of old engines and tractors. Beginning
with the May 1985 issue, the decision was made to go monthly. The
hobby was taking off like a rocket, and as it did readership
continued to increase.

In GEM’s last bimonthly issue, March/April 1985, editor
Gerry Lestz alerted GEM’s readership to the pending change
to a monthly frequency, but not without noting that there were
readers who didn’t support the planned change. Regardless, Lestz
felt strongly that the time had come to make a change, and for the
last 11 years GEM has continued to come out each and every
month, 12 times a year. Now, as we get ready to head into
GEM’s 41st year of publication, it’s time for another

The old engine hobby is as active as ever, but the challenges of
delivering GEM every month have increased significantly.
Rising paper costs (almost 30 percent in the last couple of years)
and increases in postage have made it that much harder to deliver
your favorite magazine on a monthly basis.

After long consideration, we have concluded that the best way to
ensure GEM’s health and longevity is to consolidate and
deliver six larger issues every year. We’ll move to the new
schedule beginning with the next issue.

We’re committed to the old engine hobby, and we’re committed to
ensuring GEM is the best magazine it can be. And we’ll be
redoubling our efforts to make sure that each and every issue
contains the kind of stories you’ve come to expect. We know you
look to GEM as the voice of the old engine hobby, and
we’re looking forward to delivering on that expectation for years
to come.

Richard Backus


U.S.P.S. #214560

Founded in 1966 by Rev. Elmer Ritzman

Published Bimonthly: An Internal Combustion Historical


$33/6 issues, U.S.

$44.95/6 issues, Canada

$68.95/6 issues all other countries

First Class or Air Subscription Rates

$63/6 issues, U.S.

$73/6 issues, Canada

$93/6 issues all other countries

All subscriptions are in U.S. funds; Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, Discover accepted

PUBLISHER and Editorial

Bryan Welch


William Windsor, Circulation & Consumer Marketing


Bill Uhler, Advertising & Fulfillment


Richard Backus, Editor-in-Chief

Erin Shipps, Assistant Editor

Kay Winford, Assistant Editor


Carolyn Lang, Group Art Director

Terry Algarin, Assistant Art Director


Cherilyn Olmsted


Andrew Perkins, Marketing Director

Terri Keitel, Marketing Representative

Vicki Trembly, Marketing Representative

Mandy Miller, Advertising Coordinator

Kristy Culp, Classified Advertising

Mindy Garrison, Administrative Assistant

See page 63 for a complete listing of deadlines for submission
of material for coming issues. Send subscriptions and renewals
1503 S.W. 42nd St.
Topeka, KS 66609-1265
Telephone: (800) 888-9098
Fax: (785) 274-4300

Gas Engine Magazine is published bimonthly by Ogden
Publications Inc., 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265

Periodicals postage paid at Topeka, KS, and additional mailing
offices. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product Sales
Agreement No. 40601019 ISSN 0435-1304

Postmaster: Send address changes to
Gas Engine Magazine, 1503 S.W. 42nd St.
Topeka, KS 66609-1265

© Copyright 2006 by Ogden Publications Inc. All rights reserved.
Gas Engine Magazine is a registered trademark. Material in
this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written
permission. Permission requests must be in writing and should be
directed to Bryan Welch, Gas Engine Magazine Permissions,
1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609. Subscribers: If the Post
Office alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no
further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two

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