
By Staff
Published on June 1, 2006
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Bob Ellsworth and Denny Puck’s circa-1910 2 HP Foos Jr. at last
Bob Ellsworth and Denny Puck’s circa-1910 2 HP Foos Jr. at last
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I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but here in the
Midwest it’s finally spring. And not a moment too soon.

For engine collectors, winter is a double-edged sword. On the
one hand, it sure is nice to have the time to sit back and ponder
last year’s purchases, giving considered thought to just how much
work it’s going to take to get that tired IHC M going again.

On the flip side, there’s not much opportunity during the
off-season to share our finds with other collectors, so most of us
are about to burst when show season finally swings back around.

Especially when we have a “new” engine sitting in the wings just
waiting to be seen.

But since most of us experience about a four-month lag between
show seasons, there’s plenty of time to get to work making
new-found engines run. That “new” Economy might need a simple
refurshibment or a total restoration, but four months is about
right to get the job done.

Fortunately, however, a lot of those engine projects do get
finished, and when the new season finally starts rolling around, a
new batch of engines start working their way to the shows. It just
makes the new season that much more exciting for the rest of

See you at the shows!

Richard Backus
Editor in chief


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