
By Staff
Published on August 1, 2005
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For the most part, the history of Weber Gas Engine Co., Kansas
City, Mo., has been fairly well documented. One of the earliest
manufacturers of gas engines in the U.S., Weber started operations
in the mid-1880s building stationary engines for farm and
industrial use, with a decided focus on the latter.

The early days of the gas engine industry were not unlike the
early days of the computer industry, with new ventures seemingly
launched daily, and folding just as quickly. Unlike most of its
counterparts, however, Weber thrived, staying in business until at
least the 1970s.

A curious footnote to Weber’s history, however, is Sheffield, a
name in the company’s history that’s escaped solid

According to C.H. Wendel’s American Gasoline Engines Since
, in 1908 company founder George J. Weber sold Weber Gas
Engine Co. and retired. At that juncture Weber Gas Engine Co.
became Sheffield Gas Power Co., even though the Weber name
continued to be used on engines.

About 1910, the reorganized company started producing a new line
of engines under the Sheffield name. Both hopper- and tank-cooled
Sheffield engines were produced, although in what range of sizes we
don’t know, as only two engines, the 6 HP hopper-cooled engine
featured in this issue and a 25 HP tank-cooled in California, are
known to survive.

Production appears to have lasted at least three years, until
1913, when Sheffield Gas Power Co. reorganized as the Sheffield Gas
Engine Co. At some juncture after 1913 (it’s not clear when), the
company returned to its roots, once again becoming the Weber Gas
Engine Co.

When Bill Anderson and his father, also Bill, took on the
restoration of their 6 HP Sheffield, they knew they were restoring
more than simply an engine. They were also helping to revive a link
with a history that has to a great extent been lost. Save for
Wendel’s notes on the company, nothing is known of Sheffield. And
with only two surviving engines, it’s almost impossible to divine
the company’s aspirations with the Sheffield name.

Weber had an enviable reputation, known for quality construction
and unflinching reliability. Perhaps Sheffield was simply trying to
broaden its market, or perhaps the company was hoping to lose the
Weber name and move forward with a new identity.

Whatever the case, one thing is clear: Sheffield disappeared and
Weber persevered. But thanks to the Andersons, Sheffield’s almost
forgotten role in gas engine history has been restored. Turn to
page 4 to learn more about the restoration of their engine.

Getting Ready

We’re putting the finishing touches on our plans for the 55th
Annual Midwest Old Threshers Reunion at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Sept.
1-5, and it’s looking like more fun every day.

You’ll want to make sure to swing by our booth and pay us a
visit, as we’ve teamed up with some of your favorite engine parts
and shop suppliers for a giveaway featuring everything from a
quality bead-blasting cabinet, parts certificates, videos to tools
and die cast toys. Check out our ad on page 47 for full details,
and don’t forget to check us out while you’re enjoying the

Richard Backus


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