I have an unknown engine that I hope someone can identify for
me. Its brass tag, along with its exhaust rocker arm and throttle
linkage, is missing. It has a water hopper that looks like a
Hercules, and I think I can see a little light green paint in a
couple of areas. I think it is a 6 HP Model N, because every part
is marked “6N” followed by a part number. It is a kerosene-burning
engine; the exhaust gases are piped to heat the carburetor and
incoming air.
The flywheels are 34-1/2 inches in diameter and 3-1/4 inches
wide, and held in place with a gibb key. The bore is 6-1/2 inches
with an 8-inch stroke. It has a Webster magneto and igniter with
bracket no. 303K1. The exhaust pushrod also operates a fuel pump,
and it has an overflow carburetor. On the top of the water hopper,
just behind where you add water, there is a drip oiler to lubricate
the piston and wrist pin. The connecting rod has a grease cup, and
it has oil cups cast into the top of the two main bearing caps.
I would appreciate any help readers might give to identify this
engine. Thanks, Ken White, Box 71, North Cobalt, ONT, Canada P0J
1R0; (705) 672-3860;