Yesteryear in Motion

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1976
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The Kistler steers pulling an old Russell road grader;
The Kistler steers pulling an old Russell road grader;
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Tim Loflin as he tries to get the fire going in the Frick portable.
Tim Loflin as he tries to get the fire going in the Frick portable.
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By Jamestown Union Hill Lions Club, Willard D. Moore, 3139
Dillon Road, Jamestown, North Carolina 27282

Did you ever think back 40 years how much harder some farm work
was than it is now? Well some of our Lions Club members realized
last August when they were cutting and hauling corn for shredding
at Yesteryear In Motion, that it was hot hard work. But, of course,
all of these things like harvesting and storing wheat go along with
getting ready to show how things were done then. From early spring
until show time, thoughts were given to how we could have things
that would be most pleasant to spectators and exhibitors. With all
these things behind us, we greet a warm sunrise to find one of our
friends, Frank Hodge, coming in with his pick-up load of gas
engines and finding a place to set up. Before the day was over some
80 engines were set up all over the woods and most of them were

Dale Idol used his mules this year to pull the thresher in and
put it in place near the wheat shed. We had several tractors to try
their hand at pulling the corn shredder, baler and thresher,
including John Deere, 8-16 International, McCormick Deering 10-20,
W30, F-20 and Fordson, Threshing, baling and corn shredding were
demonstrated several times during the day. Brown Loflin did show us
that his 8-16 beyond all its beauty would really run as he drove it

We did not have a suitable load for Howard Latham and the 16 HP
Frick portable but never the less he ran it and really blew the
whistle a lot. James Feree brought one of his big Frick traction
engines and drove it around and, of course, it had a whistle too.
The Hyltons were set up in the woods with the gas engines with a
vast array of model steam engines. They were running them, but
their whistles were not as loud.

James Riggs and his wife made and sold cider throughout the day
and, of course, gave those opportunity who wanted to try their hand
at turning the crank on the cider mill. The Macons were also making
and selling cornmeal from their stone grist mill powered by Economy
hit and miss gas engine.

There were several antique cars, trucks, station wagons and even
a barrell piano.

J. R. and John Kistler provided us with something of a different
nature. They brought a team of steers. The children got a big kick
out of riding on a sled that they would pull with one of them. They
also put them together as a team and pulled some of our old grading
equipment with them.

Throughout the day we had blue grass, country and western and
gospel music from the stage. Ed Robertson arranged to get several
to come in their full dress regalia to square dance with Ray Purdue
doing the calling.

With the good Lord providing us wonderful weather and a safe day
I don’t think anyone, exhibitor or spectator, went away that
didn’t have an enjoyable day.

Right; the man stooping down seems to be saying ‘Don’t
put any more in until I get these wires tied.’ These pictures
are all from Yesteryear in Motion 1975 Show.

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