218 Poplar, Arthur, Illinois 61911
Having read the two articles of thievery in the September 2000
issue of GEM, I thought it appropriate to write of the
theft of an engine.
About 10 years ago, I did not bother to lock my garage, and it
was situated so I could back in, use a hoist to unload treasures
from my truck and roll them directly into my shop. Upon arriving
home one evening, I raised the garage door to discover my welder
just inside. It is on large casters and rolls easily, but it also
weighs 300 lbs., too much for even two people to load.
After rolling it back to its spot, I noticed a drag mark across
the floor and an empty place along one wall. Try as I might, I
could not think of what had been there.
Many months went by, and I had almost forgotten the incident,
when someone mentioned an engine called an Onan-Montgomery. It was
then I realized mine was gone. In my own opinion, an
Onan-Montgomery engine is an ideal replacement for a boat anchor,
and I would have gladly given mine to anyone expressing a desire
for it, but the theft of it was as inexcusable as was my not
locking my shop.
At a few shows, I have noticed people trying to remove parts
from unattended engines. Usually, a curt, ‘What are you
doing?’ will send the would-be-thief on his way. It sure helps
when we look out for each other!