TULARE Swap Meet

By Staff
Published on October 1, 2000
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5523 S. Peach Fresno, California 93725

Our first annual Swap Meet began Saturday morning with loads of
iron rolling in like wagon trains headed west during the California
Gold Rush. We had people from all over the nation: Washington,
Arizona, Florida, and Missouri just to name a few states

Saturday evening had a very nice aroma in the air. It smelled
like a great American cookout. There were several campfires, and
folks were cooking and barbecuing everything from marshmallows to
steaks. The campfires created warmth and friendship. Tall tales
were told into the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday morning the swapping began. We had two forklifts running.
Iron was changing hands right and left. A very nice gentleman who
had called me earlier about bringing a 50 HP Case traction engine
sold it.

We received a lot of good input on our swap meet. Our favorite
comment came from a few fellows from Vista, California. They said,
‘You guys created a monster swap meet!’ We would like to
thank everyone who helped out and we plan to do it again the first
Sunday of every November.

Remember, it’s your swap meet to enjoy. Come see us.

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