9056 Riverside Dr. Birghton, MI 48116
At a recent engine show, five tractor collectors drove their
tractors in the parade. As it was a rather long parade they each
chose to use a padded seat cushion for comfort’s sake. Each pad
was a different color. After the parade they parked their tractors
in a row apart from all the other machinery.
1. Jerry’s tractor was next to the tractor with the
brown seat cushion.
2. Jim’s tractor had tip toe steel wheels.
3. The IHC 10-20 had goody ear tires on spoke wheels.
4. Jake drove the John Deere ‘D’.
5. The John Deere ‘G’ had a blue seat cushion.
6. The case CC was in the middle.
7. The tractor with the flat steel wheels was parked
beside the tractor with #8 parade sign.
8. Jason’s tractor had a red seat cushion.
9. The tractor with the orange seat cushion had Firestone
10. John drove the tractor with #5 parade sign.
11. The tractor with Riverside tires had parade sign
12. The tractor next to one with sign #6 had Firestone
13. The tractor with the blue seat cushion was parked
immediately to the right of the one with the black seat
14. The first tractor on left was Jerry’s.
1. Who drove the John Deere ‘B’?
2. Who drove the tractor with parade sign #7?
For answers to Ken’s brain teaser, see inside back