1, Box 159 Logan, Utah 84321
The Cache Valley Threshing Bee and Antique Show was held
September 13. The weather was good and a large crowd was on hand
and the equipment ran well except the McCormick-Deering combine. A
chain slipped off and broke two gears. This is one of the oldest
pull-type machines to come into the valley. It is driven by a big
bull wheel. We hope to have it in running order by our next annual
threshing bee.
The threshing bee was held in a twenty acre grain field. The
grain was cut with a self-binder and hauled in with a 1914 Pierce
Arrow (restored) flat bed truck to the horsepower thresher and the
steamer. The straw was baled by an old horsepower baler and a gas
powered baler. It was driven by a 1915 Rumely Oil Pull Tractor.
There were several other antique pieces of machinery including a
three-wheeled Case Tractor and a 1918 Fordson Tractor with a power
mower attachment.
A 1917 Parrett tractor, part of the Floyd A. Zollinger
collection. It is as we found it. That’s me in the picture.
Adolph Jorgensen and his wife have one of the largest
collections of barbedwire in the west and had it on display.
A calliope was also on hand.
Our latest piece of equipment acquired and in the process of
restoration is a Parrett tractor built about 1917. It stood in one
spot for thirty-nine years and was located by helicopter. The motor
was still free and we have it running.