807 Pine Georgetown, Texas 78626
The Texas Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association held its
annual show at Spreegleville August 6-7, 1983 and a good time was
had by all!
We had a good many old tractors and gas engines the John Deeres
out-numbered all others.
The Miller brothers had their 1915 Bull running at the show and
Calvin and Lou Buice ran their old friction drive Heider
Austin Bertrand won the antique tractor pull with his 1928 L
Case tractor. Russell Munday pulled the corn sheller with his 1937
John Deere B. The kill start race was won by Louis Miller with his
1919 Fordson. Meanwhile, the slow race was won by Ray Miller with
his 1919 Huber Light Four.
Lynn Spencer ran the hay with his old Farmall Regular. We sawed
cordwood with Calvin Buice’s cordwood saw and Bradley and Regan
Ware ran their old grist mill and sold corn meal.
We had a very good assortment of old gas engines popping at the
two day event. We also had a man with a rope machine making
Unfortunately the show was cut a little short when it started to
rain after dinner on Sunday. However, we are all looking forward to
another show next year the first weekend in August.