June 26th goes down in my book as a first outstanding reunion
for ’66. It was an annual affair we call ‘Stan’s
Sawmill Picnic’ at his mill site near Shell Lake. The weather
was ideal and so was the setting amidst tall timber and wild
flowers. Stanley Peterson has done custom sawing for about 20 years
and will make up orders for most any dimensions from his 80 acres
of timber. During this entire period he has used two cylinder power
and sees no reason to make a change.
Although his event was not advertised he had a capacity crowd. A
largo group from ‘Lakehead Reunion’ from Duluth, Minn.,
were on hand. A goodly number of sawmill men came too, including
John Nelson from Almena. I had the pleasure of meeting Frank
Loveland from Monticello who hails from the ‘Rock River
Thresher Association’ located near Edgerton. Neighbors dropped
in to help out and join the annual ‘openhouse’. I noted
Helmer Peterson was offbearer and assisted by David Monroe. There
is something facinating about the smoke from the 15-25 Oil Pull as
it powered the sawmill. After giving it a good workout Stan then
belted up his 10-20 Titan to the mill. It too made a good showing
in the belt. It has always been Stanley’s policy to saw lumber
on accuracy basis, not how fast it can be done. The next move was
to his planning mill neatly housed, and this time powered by his 6
hp Duplex Superior Gas engine #27282. This was a rather unusual and
outstanding attraction.
Pictures taken at the picnic shows Stan belting up his Oil Pull,
the Titan doing her stuff and the final one Stan has just started
his 6 hp belted to the planer.
Plans in the future are to feature a Portable Wood-Tabor-Morse
steam engine belted to his portable mill. Certainly those in
attendance will want to come back again next year for another
‘Sawmill Picnic’.
This is the Titan doing her stuff at Stan’s Sawmill Picnic
on June 26, 1966 at Shell Lake. Wisconsin.
This is Stanley Peterson belting up his Oil Pull at Stan’s
Sawmill Picnic on June 26, 1966 at Shell Lake, Wisconsin.