Sistersville Oil & Gas Memory Making

By Staff
Published on February 1, 1992
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Charles Snider and his White engine.
Charles Snider and his White engine.
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Registration desk: Roxie Anderson, Martha Braddock. Wib Anderson in white back by the tree.
Registration desk: Roxie Anderson, Martha Braddock. Wib Anderson in white back by the tree.

Sue Adams, R.D. 2, Box 163, Sistersville, West Virginia

In 1815 two sisters, Delilah and Sarah Wells, laid out out the
town of Sistersville in lots. It was a quiet little town until
1890, when oil was discovered under it. Within three years,
Sistersville field was regarded as one of the greatest producing
oil fields in the world. It was unique in that it is the only field
ever discovered in which water was found on top of the oil.

Today, the people of Sistersville still open their hearts to
host the Oil and Gas Festival. Since 1969, they have had an Oil
Festival Queen, since 1970, an Oil and Gas Man, and each year, lots
of hard working, dedicated people and sponsors.

This year was the 23rd annual West Virginia Oil &
Gas Festival and engine show was the largest ever. Rain Friday
evening did put a few frowns on some faces. Everyone was told we
always have one day of rain. It cleared to a beautiful Saturday, as
nice a day as we’d had on Thursday. We were pushed very tight
together, so that everyone could show their engines at their best.
Everyone was so nice and friendly, it was just like a big happy
family picnic. Thanks to Wib and Roxie Anderson and to others who
did their part to help, the engine show ran quite well. We were
pleased with all who came to the show-we had 11 states represented
this year.

Among the exhibits were a horseless carriage built in 1895, a
Maytag washer that really washed. Jerry was washing his coveralls
to keep clean-his Mom is always telling him he is oily, greasy and
dirty. We had a pink Briggs with flowers, a large display of
oilers, a working saw mill on a wagon, and a Nitro Buggy that the
Festival owns. 371 gas engines of all kinds were registered at this
year’s show and lots of related items were on display. This was
a big show for us, as Thursday and Saturday broke our records for

But here is true dedication this year: Mr. Allen Etzler from
Maryland was recovering from heart bypass surgery, just three weeks
prior to the show. He and his lovely wife didn’t want to miss
the show. We were extremely fortunate and proud to have them, as
well as a lot of others who put their hearts and lots of time into
making our Oil and Gas Show a success.

We have a membership club, The West Virginia Oil and Gas Engine
Club. We had 180 people registered at this year’s show and 134
joined the club.

Thanks everyone young and old, for a great show. We are happy to
announce there will be more space next year. This means bring a
friend, and come to our 1992 show, to be held September 17, 18, 19,

Come bring an engine to display, then relax, enjoy friendship
and fellowship.

‘Til we say ‘HI!’ face to face, take care and keep

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