10750 S. Vroman Road Shepherd, Michigan 48883
The 9th annual Blanchard Millpond Steam and Gas Engine Show,
which was held August 25,26,27,1995, is now history. The weather
was great, and so was the turnout.
The show is now under new management, and as ‘green
horns,’ I think we did a super jobs. The group consisted of
Stan and Steve Delo, Jarot Karcher, Greg Allen, Preston Miller and
me. I would also like to thank Ed Kinch of West Branch, for the
pointers and advice on how to get started.
Now about the show. There were five steam engines buzzing up
logs, thrashing oats, etc. There was a good turnout for the tractor
pulls on Saturday and Sunday, with the Powder Puff on Saturday
morning. Terry Foote put on the horse pull, which was a great crowd
pleaser. Ten teams of pullers from around the area were
There was a great showing of gas engine enthusiasts, along with
their families, which is why this is an enjoyable family hobby.
Also, the tractor display area was full, with all brands being
present, along with Stan Delo’s 1947 ‘Love’ tractor
(very sharp).
The petting zoo kept the ‘little people’ busy with the
baby farm animals. The children’s games were under the watchful
eye of Barb Allen.
Our flea market was small, due to the fact that our 1995 show
didn’t get in the Show Directory because of our management
Howard Teegardin of Addison, Michigan, received the ‘Longest
Distance Traveled’ award. The ‘Oldest Machine’ award
went to Don Gustavsen of Six Lakes, Michigan, for bringing his 1909
IHC 8-16.
The weather was just great, warm and sunny with only a brief
shower Saturday night. A chicken barbecue on Saturday, put on by
the Pine River Methodist Church, and a Hog Roast put on by the
Millbrook Rolland Fire Department, were both a great success.
Also, a big thanks to Marilyn Delo for her long hours keeping
the food stand going, and for the extra help we had at jobs
throughout the weekend. Hopefully I haven’t missed anyone, but
if I have, thanks again.
Well, the 10th annual show will be on August 23, 24, and 25,
1996, and it will be in the Show Directory.
Hope to see you there, and thanks to everyone who came to our
’95 show.