Route 1, Box 139, Le Center, Minnesota 56057
With the unusually mild and snowless winter so far in southern
Minnesota, it has prompted the cutting of firewood which probably
would have waited until late spring. Ray Dibbert, member of LeSueur
County Pioneer Power Assoc. got to thinking along the same lines.
Ray burns wood to heat his home and came up with an idea that would
benefit both himself and Pioneer Power. He owns a piece of woods
that contains some beautiful timber: elm, ash, oak and basswood. He
presented this idea to the directors of Pioneer Power: you can have
as many logs as you want as long as you cut the tops up for
firewood for me. So, it didn’t take long to decide if we should
or shouldn’t.
So on two separate afternoons 21 men, 13 chainsaws, 2 skid
steers, 3 tractors & loaders, and 4 trailers converged on the
Dibbert woods. The end result was 75 logs cut ranging in length
from 6 ft. to 16 ft. and in diameter up to 30 inches, and enough
firewood cut for another year or two for the Dibberts. Each
afternoon lunch was served with hot coffee and a bottle of schnapps
passed for dessert.
These logs will now be sawed into lumber (an estimated 9000
board feet) using the club’s 1890 Melounek & Deutsch
sawmill. The lumber will then be used to build new buildings on the
showgrounds. We pride ourselves by being able to build most of the
buildings ourselves, and with these logs we’ll be able to
continue on with this tradition.
Those who helped were: Glen Braun, Frank Boehne, Ray Dibbert,
Myron Dibbert, Don Fellrath, Brian Guertin, Ivan Guertin, Marcus
Griep, Francis Hoey, Bob Kahle, Glen Michels, Dave Preuhs, Wilfred
Preuhs, Don Pfarr, Bob Riebel, Orbe Reddemann, Jim Schultz, Bill
Thelemann, LeRoy Thelemann, Earl Tesch, and Bill Witzany.
Also many thanks to the members and non-members who have donated
logs throughout the years, no matter what size or how many – it is
all appreciated.