F3-Kingsland Trailer Court, 520-75 Ave. S. W., Calgary 9,
Alberta, Canada.
Yes, August the twelfth and the thirteenth Are the dates of the
Pioneer Show.
The men are all working in their spare time, To be sure each
machine will go.
The Boiler Inspector has checked on the Case, And finds it is
right up to snuff.
So start up the fire and bring up the steam, And watch smoke
coming out in a puff.
Then tug on the whistle and hear that long shriek, Let it sound
through the whole countryside;
It’s Pioneer Acres Reunion time So let folks know, far and
The people are all pouring in through the gate, Each one’s
full of anticipation.
They all want to watch these old engines at work, There
aren’t too many left in the Nation.
‘Here comes the Parade,’ someone hollers out,
‘There’s a gas engine, and another, and another;
All different sizes and many different makes, With the Steamer
leading like a big brother.’
Then they all get to work, those engines of old, To show how it
used to be done;
Run by the men who used to find it hard work, But now it is all
done for fun.
The big separators are threshing the sheaves, And showering the
straw in a pile,
The children, are jumping about in the straw– Their laughter is
heard for a mile.
Each gas engine shines with a new coat of paint, The Steamer
too, bright as a star;
And each takes its turn on the threshing machines With
efficiency rated at par.
Now, it’s out to the field to be hooked to a plow, And turn
out those furrows so black;
Each man shows his skill as he steers his machine, Each follows
a nice straight track.
Hey, what have we here, and plowing as well?
It’s our four-legged friend, the horse; He doesn’t need
oiling, or fuel, or coal, But he sure loves his oats, of
Did you see those antique cars running about?
They sure were top style long ago;
When the men wore long dust coats, and ladies a veil For
protection from dust and wind, you know.
The cameras are clicking all over the place, It’s a
shutterbug’s joy and delight;
They’re changing full films, and snapping again, Because too
soon it will be night.
Then stop the gas engines, and lower the steam, Feed the horses,
and then feed the men;
This is the end of the first day of the show; Tomorrow they
‘Il do it again.
1918 22-44 Minneapolis tractor
1927 and 1928 17-30 Type B cross-motor Minneapolis.
1927 and 1928 17-30 Type B cross-motor Minneapolis and also a
1928 18-32 Model K cross-motor Case.