Ozark Heritage Festival 1993

By Staff
Published on April 1, 1994
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Rt. I, Box 1173 Piedmont, Missouri 63957

The fall of 93 Festival was off to a bad beginning. Our chili
dinner cook, Jim Crowley, died September 4, and on October 1 our
antique engine and antique tractor show coordinator, Richard Smith,
died. With the help of my niece and nephew, Elizabeth and Dwayne
Mackey, from Sebring, Florida, and a very good friend, Benjie
Steed, from Raleigh, North Carolina, and all the engine and tractor
exhibitors, our show was again a very big success.

This year we had exhibitors from five states. The exhibits
consisted of 140 antique engines, seven antique tractors and
various antique farm and household equipment. We had a slow race
and a touch-me-easy contest for the antique tractors. Winner of the
touch-me-easy contest was Dwayne Mackey with Richard Smith’s
1939 R Moline tractor, and the winner of the slow race was Buster
Matthews with an M John Deere. Prizes for the contest were donated
by Kevin Lueddecke. Plaques and buttons for exhibitors were donated
by the First Midwest Bank of Piedmont. Gas was donated by Town and
Country Phillips 66 and oil was donated by Schaffer Oil.

A chili dinner was enjoyed by all exhibitors. Our chili cook was
an antique exhibitor from Florida, Jim Brown. A variety of desserts
and beverages were also enjoyed by all.

Many thanks to all who helped in this very difficult time to
make our show a success again this year. Donations for the chili
dinner were by: Ralph’s Super Market, Town and Country Market,
Piedmont Meat Processing Plant, Sonic Drive Inn, C. Count’s
Spices, and Johnson’s Feed Store. Without everyone’s help
and all the donations we could not have had a show.

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year the third
weekend of October. Thanks to all our exhibitors for another
wonderful show. Hoping next year the show will be off to a much
better beginning and ending. Again, a thank you to everyone who
came and exhibited their fine equipment and to all who helped with
the show.

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