131 Manor Drive Middleville, Michigan 49333
The J. I. Case Collector’s Association, Inc., had another
exciting annual winter convention at Sidney, Ohio on March 23rd and
24th. The Case get-together started with visits to four local Case
Collectors. Ed Axthelm’s Tractor Retirement Village, west of
Cardington, occupied JICCA members for quite a while. There are
more than just Case tractors at Ed’s farm. Tractors and
equipment of many colors are retired here.
At the ‘Eagle’s Rest,’ Buzz Nealeigh’s farm near
Greenville, flambeau red, grey and early orange and green equipment
were on display, along with a Case threshing machine. Some
collectors did not realize that much Case equipment was green like
their balers and cultivators. At the Nealeigh farm also was a fine
display of one-half scale Case tractors handmade by Milt Deets of
Dayton-a 12-20 cross motor Case, a threshing machine and a later
model 1200 four-wheel drive Case Traction master.
Bruce Davis, just a few miles north of Sidney, had a display of
grey and flambeau tractors from the Thirties. A Case thresher,
combine, grain binder and silo blower were all attractive, as these
galvanized pieces have not been restored, but still show off their
original decals and good looks. Bruce also had a fine display of
many Case plows.
At the farm of John Davis, near Maplewood, Ohio, the main
attraction was the collection of Case cross motor models, Case
Company’s entry into the tractor market in the late teens and
early Twenties. Members also enjoyed the red and grey tractors of
Thirties vintage from John’s collection and the later flambeau
models. Each farm was interesting to visit, with attractive barns
and workshops for collectors to stick their noses into. Hosting
wives all provided cookies and refreshments for those on tour.
Saturday saw the annual Case auction, with everything from
literature to engine parts, toys, paint, etc., an event everyone
enjoys. These auctions also generate some laughter. Following the
auction, the ladies displayed crafts of painting, needlepoint,
crocheting, doll and teddy bear making.
In the evening the banquet was held, followed by the winter
business meeting. A report was given by Maryland Case collectors
about the upcoming summer convention in the Tidewater state this
August 18 and 19. This will be the first ever all-Case show. Rather
than having an established show concern host our organization, this
event will be generated and coordinated by local Case collectors at
the Maryland State Historical Farm Museum at Westminster. All Case
equipment is welcome for display at this Case Collectors’
reunion, and the public is invited.
After plans were finalized for next winter’s convention at
South Bend, Indiana and the 1991 summer convention at Le Seuer,
Minnesota, each person present was introduced and told a little
about themselves and their collections. We enjoyed the fine meeting
with people from as far north as Saskatchewan, Canada and as far
west as Nebraska and Montana.
Within all these events at the convention there was a lot of
teaching and learning and stories to be told. I am twenty-one years
of age, and enjoy hearing the older generation tell of their
parents using Case equipment when tractors first replaced horses on
the farm. One man told of having the only combine in the area, and
of doing all the work for the community. I also enjoy sharing with
them my experience and unusual pieces of Case equipment that I have
seen. Everyone was friendly and helpful in explaining how a piece
of equipment operates.
For information on the Association, please write to: J. I. Case
Collector’s Association, Inc., 4004 Coal Valley Road, Vinton,
Ohio 45686.