By Staff
Published on November 1, 1979

The steady rise in the number of antique engine shows in the
past ten years is reflected in answers to a questionnaire aimed at
helping exhibitors. The questionnaire was sent out by Robert L.
Lutz of Arlington, Virginia; and Donald W. Land of Levels, West
Virginia. The two gathered the data for a proposed directory which
would be slated for collectors and exhibitors and made figures
available to this magazine.

Their quest followed an article by Preston Foster in GEM’s
issue of September-October, 1978. Foster, in an ‘Open Letter to
the Editor’, aired a number of complaints in an effort to
persuade those who hold the shows and similar events to give a
better break to those who take part.

Lutz and Land asked a lot of questions in letters to over 300
show officials. They received 107 responses. They felt they needed
250 answers to make it worth issuing the kind of directory they
envisioned. They have dropped it for 1979, but may try again for
1980. Meanwhile, here are some of the answers among the 107

The number of shows rose dramatically in the past decade-Of the
98 listing age, as far back as 31 years, 52 were founded within the
past 10 years. We would say that this is indicative of the way the
interest is mounting, giving more opportunity to collectors to

Here are some of the answers of special interest to those who
collect and wish to exhibit:

Exhibitor permitted to tailgate equipment and related items-Yes,
57; No, 12; no response, 26; of the 57 permitting, 14 required
being in flea market.

Security-Yes, 75; No, 2.

Audience control-65.

Available to exhibitors on grounds-Gas, 68; kerosene, 22; wood,
75; coal, 45; steam for engines/models, 32; power for belt drive
equipment, 68; tractor loading dock, 70; help for
loading/unloading, 76; water, all.

Exhibiting and/or rules for exhibitors-31 indicated some form of
written rules, supplied at time of registration.

Non-local exhibitors-desired, 84; excluded, 2; should contact
before coming, 48.

Shade-available, 56; bring your own, 51; not allowed, 0;
natural, 44.

Fees-Parking, 23; camping, 12; association dues, 14; exhibiting,
5; flea market, most; admission for spectators, most; those
requiring dues attributed this to costs such as insurance.

Accommodations-hotel/motel nearby, 61; camping on grounds, 71
yes, 2 no, 22 no response, nearby, 67.

Sanitary facilities, all; about 50 ‘primitive’; 15
‘modern’; rest, no description.

It should be noted this quiz was made before the gas crunch of
spring-summer 1979.

While the response does not include all shows, it should provide
food for thought among the organizations, as to whether they are
doing the top job possible. It is a matter for

Preston Foster’s letter was written on behalf of ‘the
exhibiting collector,’ and made a number of points that should
not be disregarded. Stemgas Publishing would be happy to hear from
all on this, pro, con or otherwise.

Lutz and Land have sent copies of their findings to all the
groups that responded and appreciate comments. They may try again
if they still feel there is a need for a listing of the kind they

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