By Staff
Published on December 1, 2000

EDGE & TA Vice President, 2292 Lake Morena Drive Campo,
California 91906

The year 2000 provided many wonderful shows. Thanks to all those
who volunteered and worked so hard in producing safe and
informative shows.

EDGE & TA members enjoy these events, but the general public
who attend can also reminisce and learn about the past.

The Northeast Regional show was hosted by Branch 97 in
Litchfield, Minnesota, on August 19 and 20. The showgrounds
consisted of approximately 25 acres with a museum building that
housed a lot of horse-drawn equipment. There was also a building
with a wagon shop at one end and a blacksmith shop at the other
end. Branch 97 had just recently completed the construction of a
large metal building (50×150) with a kitchen/dining area and an
exhibit area. Demonstrations of several farm activities were going
on throughout the day. A tractor pull was held both afternoons
after the tractor parade. Approximately 134 tractors participated
in the parade.

Branch 50 hosted the Southeast Regional Show that was held in
Haviland, Kansas, on August 25-27. There were approximately 22 gas
engines and 19 tractors on display along with a threshing machine
and sawmill.

The Northwest Regional Show was hosted by Branch 51 in
Lewistown, Montana, on June 10 and 11. Approximately 57 tractors
were displayed and also 20 engines. A blacksmith shop and sawmill
were in operation. The ladies made cinnamon rolls and other bread
items using a genuine wood range.

Branch 3 hosted the Southwest Regional on August 11-13 in San
Jose, California. The show featured California built engines such
as a 60 HP Western engine and a 10 HP Ostenberg. There was also a
nice display of Briggs and Stratton engines. These were part of
about 150 engines and 25 tractors at the show. Two of the most
unusual engines were a reproduction of a 40 HP Model B Wright,
which was originally built from 1908-1912 and also a rare Mery
engine. The Hardy engine, which is pictured on the 2000 EDGE&TA
buttons, was also at this show.

The National show and meeting was hosted by Branch 19 at Animas
Park in Farmington, New Mexico, on September 8-10. Friday started
out very scary with a major rain and windstorm that moved through
quickly, causing some havoc to exhibitors. The wind lifted several
canopies high enough to clear a row of more than 100 tractors.

Once the storm blew through, the remainder of the show had
perfect weather. On Friday and Saturday nights the tractor pulls
were conducted under lights in the cool of the evening. The city
estimated an attendance of 10,000 at the three-day event. There
were several rows of engines and farm related equipment in addition
to the tractors. At the National meeting on Saturday, Bill Keen of
Haltom City, Texas and Cliff Northcote of Campo, California were
elected as new directors for EDGE&TA.

You may get more information by checking out the EDGE&TA web
page at www.ave.net/-edgeta/ and if you have questions concerning
insurance, please contact our insurance advisor, Larry Burchfield,
at 501-851-0056 or by e-mail at Justpullin@aol.com

Have a safe and happy holiday and a great 2001!

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