Antique Engine Assoc. Route 11, Box 2577 Elizabethton, Tennessee
The East Tennessee Antique Engine Association held their 1991
show on June 7-9 at Jeff Hutchings’ farm near Johnson
City/Elizabethton on Scioto Road at the edge of the Cherokee
National Forest. There were over 350 engines displayed, with over
30 of them of the side-shaft variety.
This year’s show will be the 20th annual event that
Jeff Hutchings and the East Tennessee Antique Engine
Association have hosted. An 1882 Otto slide valve engine can be
found running at various times on hydrogen along with several steam
engines, a dozen or more natural gas fueled engines, and even an
operating hot-air engine. Since several tractors participated in
last years event, a couple of tractor parades were scheduled for
this year’s show. The 30 HP Bessemer’s restoration has been
completed and will be displayed along with many rare and unique
engines such as the Hughes’ freshly restored 25 HP Superior