A group of tractors shut down for winter… a Massey Pacemaker
twin power and a Massey model 25 with plow among others.
Clarence and Lee Criswell of the Criswell’s John Deere
Tractor Museum in Lamar, South Carolina, have issued a new update
of their John Deere tractor serial number list.
Mr. Criswell tells us that the list is now on a computer and
that they would like to be kept current on all J.D. tractor serial
numbers, collectors’ changes of address, etc., so that the list
can be accurately maintained in the future.
The search list is broken down by tractor model, and lists the
known serial numbers, with names and addresses of individual owners
in most cases.
The list may be obtained by writing to Clarence L. Criswell,
P.O. Box 709, Lamar, SC 29069. The price is $15.00 postpaid.