Country Threshing Days

By Staff
Published on May 1, 2001
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Box 131, Goessel, Kansas 67053

The weather was hot as usual for Kansas in August. We want to
thank all of you exhibitors who helped make our twenty-eighth show
bigger and better. The show is put on by our local organization,
The Wheat Heritage Engine and Threshing Company, Goessel, Kansas,
always on the first weekend in August.

There are approximately 80 gas engines, 125 tractors, several
large prairie gas tractors, a couple of steam engines, several
large gas engines including a 200 HP De La Vergne sideshaft, an 80
HP Miller sideshaft. There is a seven building museum dedicated to
the coming of the Mennonites to central Kansas in 1874, and with
them Turkey Red, hard, winter wheat. A flea market, a sawmill, and
an antique tractor pull as well as a garden tractor pull are all
part of the weekend activities. A complete range of agricultural
exhibits and activities are planned.

Goessel is located in the central part of Kansas, about 35 miles
north of Wichita. Come and join us August 3, 4, and 5, 2001, for a
great weekend that the whole family will enjoy.

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