Cotton Still King at Burton Cotton Gin Festival 2001

By Staff
Published on March 1, 2001

Celebrating an era when cotton was still king, the Burton Cotton
Gin Festival will make history come alive again on April 20, 21,
and 22, 2001, in Burton, Texas.

The Cotton Gin Festival developed from Burton’s distinction
of being home to the most intact historic cotton gin left from the
early twentieth century.

For 13 years, volunteers working in cooperation with the
Smithsonian Institution have painstakingly restored the cotton gin
to working condition. Tours of the gin are a highlight of the

The entire weekend is jam-packed with entertaining and
educational activities. View working examples of antique engines
and farm equipment from all over the nation. Craftsmen and
hobbyists will present folk life demonstrations, recreating lost
rural arts.

Proceeds go to the continuing restoration of the Burton Cotton
Gin museum complex. For more information call 830-997-8515 or
e-mail or locally 979-289-3378 or

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