1215 Jays Dr. NE Salem, Oregon 97303
While attending several shows this summer, I attended the
Central Oregon Old Iron Club’s show that was held in Bend,
Oregon in June. It was held at the Mountain View Mall and a lot of
the local residents attended. There was a very good display of old
engines and memorabilia. Something special was shown for the first
time. It was a Campbell Special, 1 HP, running at 125 RPM. What was
unique about this engine was that it was completely locally made by
the Campbell Specialties Co. of Madras, Oregon. It was made
entirely of parts found in the iron pile. The main frame was of
channel iron, the flywheel from a separator, the piston and barrel
(cylinder sleeve) from D-7 cat. The hopper was hand formed from
sheet metal, the head from flat iron and both intake and exhaust
from pipe, using T fittings for valve seats and a water valve for
the mixer adjustment. The total cost of this engine was $2.50-that
being for the material to make the crankshaft from. Round bar stock
was used and cut into two pieces, with three other pieces forming
the rod throw. The timing gears were model T Ford and the timer was
just a piece of wire with a bolt through the timing gear. This
engine ran for the entire day and didn’t miss a lick. I must
admit in closing that Campbell Specialties is in reality John and
David Campbell from Madras, Oregon. They are local ranchers with a
very good interest in old iron.