Busy Year Ahead

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1970
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Thomas T. Sommer
Courtesy of Thomas T. Sommer, R. R. 3, Ridgeville, Indiana 47380.

Forest Grove Trailer Park Onatario, New York 14519

All signs point to a busy year ahead for the Pioneer Gas Engine
Association, Inc. of Fairville, New York. An all day
‘Gas-Up’ is scheduled for May 24th at the Carnival Grounds
in Fairville. All members and friends are invited to attend and
bring a gas engine. There will be a picnic dinner at noon time so
bring a dish to pass.

The dates for the Annual Reunion are July 24, 25 and 26th. This
will be held at the same place. We expect a larger than ever model
display, a team of oxen, wheat threshing, sawmill, stone crusher,
flour grinding and many other activities. There will be about 200
gasoline engines and 35 gas tractors. If you are in this vicinity,
stop in and see us! We promise you a warm welcome and a good time.
Spaces are available for camping and motels are close by. Gate
admission is $1.00 for men only; ladies and children are admitted
free. Yearly membership is $2.00 per year. You will be kept posted
of all of the activities through our bi-monthly news letter. For
any information write to Mrs. Dorothy B. Smith, Forest Grove
Trailer Park, Ontario, N. Y. 14519.

This is a picture of my Plymouth Tractor, somewhere around 1934.
It was manufactured by The Fate-Root-Heath Company of Plymouth,
Ohio. Serial Number A115MB1. It has a Hercules engine, 3′ bore
and 4′ stroke. I think the same company made the Silver King

I would like to know if there are any more of these tractors in

Another ‘Gas-up’ will be held on June 14th at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pitcher, R. D. 2, Dundee, N. Y. 14837. This
is an all day affair with dish to pass at noon. On Sept. 26th and
27th there will be another ‘Gas-up’ at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Gardenier in Martville, N. Y. 13111.

As you can see, we have quite an active organization. We
appreciate the interest and support of the GEM readers, who knowing
that they probably never will attend a show, help us with a

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