F3-520-75 Avenue, S.W., Calgary, Alta., Canada T2V 0S2
The first Annual Threshing Bee of the Cochrane, Alberta district
was put on by the Bears Paw Lions Club, October 9, 1977.
The weather wasn’t the very best as there had been a light
snowfall. But since the barley was well stooked by the boys, and a
Chinook wind came along and melted the snow, everything turned out
well, and the show was held as planned.
The lady cooks had the best job because they were inside where
it was nice and warm. They fed us royally and we kept warm with
lots of good hot coffee.
The horses soon got used to the groans of both the separator and
the operator!
The tractors puffed away and helped some of the men to keep
their hands warm. A nice thing about it, there was lots of help,
and the pitchfork handles were always warm.
There was a good and friendly crowd, they stayed to the end.
Everybody is looking forward to a Show in 1978.
In January, 1978, the Bears Paw Lions Club put on a very nice
evening of entertainment. They showed pictures that had been taken
during the show which were very good. Then everybody was treated to
a scrumptious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings.
This social evening was put on as a good will gesture and to
show appreciation for the help and participation of the people in
and around the community.