1408 N. Van Buren Ottumwa, Iowa 52501-2141
4H programs bring the youth together with leaders who teach
these young people the responsibilities’ of growing up.
It’s wonderful to see the projects these young kids compete and
show at the 4H and FFA shows.
Blake Irwin and his 1949 John Deere model B tractor was awarded
a purple ribbon at the local Wapello County 4H . show at Ottumwa,
Iowa. This tractor was then taken to the Iowa State Fair in Des
Moines, Iowa, where it was awarded a blue ribbon.
Blake is a 14 year old farm boy who has been a member of the
Pleasant 4H U&I Club for six years. He is a freshman at
Cardinal High School at Eldon, Iowa. With his interest in antique
farm machinery, this project was started in January and he
completed the restoration just in time for the 4H show. The tractor
was purchased from one of the Irwins’ neighbors. It was in very
bad condition. The motor was stuck, and after it was free, it was
found it had to be overhauled with new rings, bearings, and the
valves ground. It was cleaned, painted and new tires were
installed. This was a much greater undertaking than Blake had
anticipated, but with encouragement from his father, he completed
the project in time for the 4H shows.
I have been a 4H leader and I am amazed at what these young
4H’ers achieve with their projects. In 4H these young people
learn the responsibilities and the growing up experiences of