By Staff
Published on January 1, 1976

The III.-Mo. Tractor & Engine Club had a year chuck full of
interesting events in ’75.

Kick off date was January 26th with our annual auction. Members
donate their excess ‘goodies’ to be auctioned off to other
members. This is our fund raising event with proceeds going to the
club treasury.

Various members had meetings at their homes in March, May and
June to discuss plans for our annual big show which was July 19 and
20 at St. Peters, Missouri. It was our largest show, having 68
exhibitors showing over 200 gas engines, plus tractors, trucks,
garden tractors and miscellaneous antique items. As with all shows
we had a parade, buttons and balloons. One member made a video tape
of the show to be shown in the public schools of St. Louis County
so the children can get an idea of the power of yesteryear. As in
previous years the success of our show was due to the fine spirit
of cooperation which is always present. The Club also showed at the
Valley of the Flowers in Florissant, Mo., Alton, Illinois Show,
Elsberry, Missouri Show and Bond County Illinois Show.

September 21st we had a covered dish picnic for all who worked
to make our July show a success, and fried chicken was

In Oct. we had a swap meet and auction giving members a chance
to help fellow members acquire the parts they need. Last, but not
least, on November 16th our annual Banquet was held with social
hour followed by dinner, movies and election of officers and
awarding of attendance prizes. It was announced that dates for our
‘Big Show’ will be July 17 & 18, 1976, at St. Peters,
Missouri and hopefully the ladies auxiliary, which is as yet a
dream, will participate with things of interest for ‘the

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