Hobby Heavyweights: Bud Motry

By Staff
Published on July 16, 2009
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Bud Motry
Webster tri polar low-tension magnetos. Bud Motry submitted several articles to GEM about magnetos and gas engine restoration.

From the late 1970s through the 1980s, one of the most familiar names in Gas Engine Magazine was Bud Motry. He was a frequent contributor and provided many in-depth articles regarding gas engine restoration.

His booklet “Antique Engine Repair” is often cited as a favorite resource among collectors. That, paired along with the fact that it’s been out of print for many years make finding a copy pretty tough.

Bud passed away in April 2008, but he left behind a wealth of information through the articles he submitted to GEM. The following is a categorized list of links to the articles Bud contributed over the years.

Gas engine restoration
• Cost cutting tips on restoring old engines

How to pour crankshaft main bearings

• Low-tension magnetos

• Low-tension magneto timing

• Magneto identification and testing

• How to make a high-tension coil tester

• Antique engine flywheel removal

• How to remove rusted or frozen pipe plugs, broken studs, cap screws and nuts

• Babbitt connecting rod bearings

• Valve and ignition timing of 4-cycle hit-and-miss engines

• Copper tubing

Gas engine history
• A brief chronological history of the development of internal combustion engines

Show coverage
• Mississippi Valley Flywheeler’s Meet

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