First Annual Pepperell Crank Up Show

By Kim C.Spaulding
Published on May 1, 1976
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Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
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This is a Fuller & Johnson pump engine, Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
This is a Fuller & Johnson pump engine, Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
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This is Kim's 1927 McCormick-Deering. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
This is Kim's 1927 McCormick-Deering. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
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This is a one lunger powering a hack saw. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
This is a one lunger powering a hack saw. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
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This is a Jim Dunn's 1929 G.P. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
This is a Jim Dunn's 1929 G.P. Courtesy of Kim C. Spaulding, 5 High Street, East Pepperell, Massachusetts 01437
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Courtesy of Lutes Electric, 300 West Broadway, Winchester, Kentucky, 40391.
Courtesy of Lutes Electric, 300 West Broadway, Winchester, Kentucky, 40391.

5 High Street, East Pepperell, Mass. 01437

Gasoline Alley – that’s my LA 1-1/2 HP IHC
engine in foreground.

Our first efforts to display antique gas engines and tractors
was a huge success. Jim Dunn and I thought that it would be an
event that would help Our Town to celebrate it’s 200th
birthday. We contacted The Bi-Centennial Committee and they thought
it was a great idea so we went ahead with advertisements in the
papers and the radio plus sending invitations to many exhibitors.
We sold souvenir buttons to cover our costs and plan to do the same
this year. We do not charge admission or entry fees.

There were approximately 100 engines, 5 tractors, 1 truck, 1
motorcycle and many cars on display of yesteryear’s power. The
show was held at the town field in the center of Pepperell, Mass,
on June 15, 1975 on a day that was just beautiful for such an
event. There was ample parking and a spacious lawn area to display
the engines and tractors. A local hand pumper fire engine
association provided a food stand.

In the afternoon, a group of antique cars drove into the field
which was of great interest also. All in all, we had a tremendous
turnout of exhibitors and spectators.

This hobby is relatively new for this area but I am sure it will
continue to grow. We are looking forward to this years ‘Crank
Up’ and planning for it already. It would be kind of nice to
saw some wood with a lunger wouldn’t it?

On behalf of Jim Dunn and myself, we want to take this
opportunity to thank everyone that made our first annual crank up
such a huge success.

6 Horse-Power Engine and 16-inch Feed Cutter mounted on One

She delights, with BLOWER CUTTER. To fill silo’s to the top,
And the boys must ‘get a move on,’ Rush the corn or let her

Cutting sorghum, shredding stover, Cutting EIGHTY or more
shocks, With the HAGAN 6 HORSE-POWER Hitched to 10 L. Blizzard

She will turn the that DREADED grind-stone When there’s
heavy work to do. Let the small boy ‘go a fishing’ – He
NEEDS REST, I think don’t you?

Cuts the stove-wood without GRUMBLING, Pumps the water every
morn, And would, if she could, split kindling, Rush the cook, and
blow the horn.

Does your SHELLING, CRUSHING, GRINDING, double VALUE of your
FEED: Can you fail to ‘see your finish’ If you pass so
great a need?

See your SMILE-but can you wait, sir, For an ENGINE till that
day When Carnegie’s done with BOOKS, sir, And is GIVING THESE

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