Operation Engine Restoration!!

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1966
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This picture shows the author's collection of tractors and restored engines. It consists of: Clinton,Gibson, J. I. Case, 18-36 Hart Parr and a 30-50 Rumely. Courtesy of Mr. Albert Fife, Ontario, Canada
This picture shows the author's collection of tractors and restored engines. It consists of: Clinton,Gibson, J. I. Case, 18-36 Hart Parr and a 30-50 Rumely. Courtesy of Mr. Albert Fife, Ontario, Canada
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The author's father built this tractor in 1912. Courtesy of Alvin Jantz, Newton, Kansa.
The author's father built this tractor in 1912. Courtesy of Alvin Jantz, Newton, Kansa.

I am very interested in engine restoration–the preservation and
operation of all different types of gas engines. I now have
thirty-five (35) different types and sizes of gas engines, all the
way from one (1) HP to twelve (12) HP. I have about thirty (30) of
these engines in running condition and it is sure bedlam when I
have six to ten of these engines running all at once in my shop. I
have some pamphlets and magazines on these engines and if any of the
members have any problems I would be glad to help them if they
would send a S.A. envelope to me.

Here is a partial list of some of the engines that I have
restored. 21 HP Air Cooled Model ‘R’ Ideals; 11 1/2 HP
Gilson; 11 1/2 HP Cushman Cub; 1 1/2 HP Lundy; 1/2 HP The
Lister ‘H’ Type; 12 1/2 HP London; 13 HP Ellis; 13 HP
Fairbanks Morse; 13 HP The Lister ‘A’ Type; 13 HP
Gilson; 13 1/2 HP Fuller & Johnston; 14 HP Cushman Cub; 15 HP
McCormack Deering; 15 HP Ellis; 15 HP International; 26 HP
Fairbanks Morse; 1/2 HP Renfrew; 33 to 6 HP Marine Engines; 31 to
6 HP Lighting Plant Engines.

These engines were used for all different types of work in this
area, namely filling silo, slab saws, sawing machines, milking
machines and coolers, wood saws, pump jacks, hay hoists, grain
elevators, pumping, and numerous other jobs around the farm and
sawmills etc. Most of these engines will operate under full load
for five hours on one Imperial gallon of fuel.

I have collected five stationary engines of which three are
completely restored. I have become so interested in engines that my
other hobbies, which include wrench collecting, have kind of been
pushed to the side.

I am enclosing a picture of a tractor my father (F.J. Jantz)
built in 1912 near Hillsboro, Kansas. So far, all my efforts to
locate this machine have been in vain. A picture and write up of
this tractor appeared in the book The Modern Gas Tractor. This
book, written by Victor W. Page, was the First Edition. It was
Copyrighted in 1913 and published by the Normon W. Henley
Publishing Company of New York.

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