1910 Detroit Restoration

By Staff
Published on February 1, 1994
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The engine before restoration
The engine before restoration
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The engine before restoration
The engine before restoration
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The finished product!
The finished product!
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The finished product!
The finished product!

1608 Ferrell Road Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

The engine is all original except for the muffler and the
crankguardit even has a Detroit oiler.

My sons are relatively young. Ashley sells real estate, and Alan
is a sophomore at North Carolina State University. Both enjoy this
hobby. I collect mainly sideshafts (small), but do have a 1 HP R
& V, a 1 HP Allis Chalmers Gilson with the original battery box
and paint, and a few others.

In the summer of 1989, my sons, Ashley and Alan, and I were
testing the waters with the hobby of gasoline engines. Our travels
took us to parts of Ohio where we ended up at Ed Deis’ Old
Place. We purchased several engines, all in need of repair. As we
were getting ready to leave, Ed pointed out another engine he said
was ‘different,’ and for $500, it was ours. So what’s
another few dollars in this hobby, right? We loaded the engine up
on the truck

Prior to this restoration, we dusted off the brass tag and found
the following: Detroit Engine Works, Builders of Stationary
Gasoline Engines, Detroit, Michigan USA 7886

For a couple of years, we asked around at engine shows about a
hopper Detroit engine and were unable to obtain any information.
Most people do not believe we have this engine, even when you show
them the original brass tag-Some interesting facts about this
engine: no spring on the push rod, but a double spring is on the
exhaust valve; very large cam gear; very small hopper; unusual head
very thin.

Due to the early castings, bearing oilers, and the unusual
appearance of the engine, I have estimated the year of manufacture
to be 1910 or earlier.

Additional information on this particular type of engine is
solicited. All responses will be answered.

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