By Staff
Published on September 1, 1966
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Uppet Left Webster Magneto Type L-25 Exploded View Webster Tri-Polar Osillator Type K-62.

Star Rte. 2, Gunnison, Colorado 81230.

Well, it is time to get out my old Oliver ‘Standard Visible
Writer’ No. 5 and try to do a bit more troubleshooting. After
all, what would a new fangled typewriter know about these good
old-time engines?

I was sorry to learn of Anna Mae Branyan’s illness and hope
she soon is fully recovered.

I want to thank all of you that have sent articles and pictures
to GEM and congratulate Elmer and his staff for the fine job of
putting it all together into a fine magazine. I wait for each issue
like a kid waiting for a new toy. As Charlie Weaver says,
‘These are my People.’

Several of you replied to last issue’s question of where the
low tension coils could be obtained. In the same issue, Irvin G.
Hoffman, R. D. 1, Box 31, Manheim, Pa. 17545, advertised them for
sale. George F. Kempher, 110 Seventh St., Emporium, Pa. 15834,
writes that he is again making coils at $8.00 each, plus postage.
Shipping weight 4 lbs. Thanks to J. Rex Haver, of Lock Haven, Pa,
and Meridith Brison, Rte. 1, Millersport, Ohio, for information on
Mr. Kempher.

Meridith Brison also sends the information that Wilson Supply
Co., 2441 Woodhill Road, Cleveland, Ohio, 44104, has factory made
coils, part #217, at $16.45 F. O. B. The Wilson Co. is distributor
for Acadia Gas Engine Ltd. of Nova Scotia, Canada. To my knowledge,
Acadia is probably the only producer of this type engine still in

Special thanks to M. H. Seibert, Hummelstown, Pa. for the fine
letters and comments and for sending the clipping from the
Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday Patriot-News with Tom Reese’ article and
pictures about Elmer, his hobby and magazines.

James F. Hopkins, R. R. 2, Decatur, Nebraska, 68020 has a Swartz
Model F, 4 HP. made by Swartz Electric Co., Speedway, Indianapolis,
Ind. It is 4-cycle, flyball throttling governor, Marvel Schebler
brass carb., overflow type, fuel pump and spark plug in the
cylinder. It is water cooled and is engine No. 678. His question is
how the ignition operates as there is no breaker.

Ervin Kirksey, Box 66, Athens, Texas, 75751, has a Rock Island,
5 HP., No. A61856, RPM 420. He would like information on who made
this engine and what type magneto it used and where he can get a

L. E. Rapp Steeleville Community Unit School, Steeleville,
Illinois, 62288, would like specifications on a Utili-motor, No.
U19106, made by Johnson Motor Co., Waukegan, Ill. It was used on a
Sears Roebuck Kenmore Washing Machine about 1930-32 and is a
2-cycle. He would also like to know about mixing valve adjustments
recommended spark plug and gap point setting, date of manufacture
and where to obtain rings. The manufacturer has no records dating
back this far.

If anyone can help on these engines let me know and I’ll
pass the information along to these fellows and also include it in
the next GEM for anyone else who might be interested.

A popular low-tension magneto is the Webster oscillator made by
the Webster Electric Co. of Racine, Wis.

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