Rt. 1, Box 132 Boyce, Virginia 22620
I should say OUR Galloway. This motor sure got around.
To start with, John Combs of Pikeside, West Virginia, bought the
engine. It was a basket case, and John said it was too much for
him. He got it with Jerry Rogers of Martinsburg, West Virginia.
They did some horse-trading. Jerry likes to buy, trade and
Jerry found all the bearings bad, valves in bad shape, and the
head had a piece broken out of it. All other parts were rusted and
stuck, so he had to have some help with it.
He took it to our good friend Craig Grant in Hedgesville, West
Virginia. There they stripped it down, poured the bearings, had the
head welded, replaced the valves, rebuilt the mag and carburetor,
put in new rings, gas tank, pipe line and a muffler. All this work
took some time. Jerry works as a carpenter in construction. Craig
is an equipment operator and had to make a trip or two to Starbolt
Engine Supplies.
They got it going and it ran well. Jerry showed it at
Perryville, Virginia, July 30, 31, 1994. It was on skids and not
painted. It ran really well. When Craig Grant turns an engine
loose, it will run well. I know I have some of his work.
I was attending the show in Smithsburg, Maryland, in 1994. Jerry
was there with the Galloway. He had made a wagon for it and he had
a ‘for sale’ sign on it. I looked it over and everything
was in good shape and running well, but no paint yet. We were all
loading up to leave, when I made Jerry an offer if he would deliver
it. He shifted around a little and said okay.
October 8-9, 1994, we had a little show at R. N. Dillon Farm
Museum near Hedgesville, West Virginia. Jerry brought the Galloway.
I got in his truck and we headed for my place with it. Now I own
the 5 HP Galloway, serial number 42852. I was going to leave it at
Craig’s place for a paint job, but he was filled up. Oscar
Chapman and Donald Fansler keep him busy.
In November, the weather was good and warm, 75 to 80 degrees, so
I looked for paint. I couldn’t get the red DuPont number, so I
got the PPG steel primer number 6-208 Red and PPG Oil Glass Red
number 54-306.
I took off the wagon to paint it and while it was off, I
shortened up the wagon and painted it. I have everything painted
and back together now and it looks good and runs fine. I will show
it at Berryville next July. My wife says the Galloway is pretty,
but she likes our 3 HP New Way the best.