“Now, don’t take my word for what I say unless you want to — don’t take any dealer’s word — be your own judge,” says the foreword of this William Galloway Co. catalog, signed by President William Galloway himself.
I wish I could share the entire catalog with you, but alas, I have neither the time nor the page count required. Suffice it to say it’s a historical gem that came across my desk in a mailing crate with hundreds of other relics that have been hiding in a corner of our building for far too long.
The glossy pages are filled with black and white illustrations, diagrams, freight rates, engine construction, and operation explanations, as well as “Seven pages of testimonials that certainly prove something.” The catalog is, of course, complete with an order blank and list of Galloway engine specs and costs, starting as low as $59.50 (cash price) for a 2hp stationary and climbing as high as $643.50 for a 22hp portable (half cash/half note).
If you weren’t quite sure you could use an engine in those days, the images here explain why “The Galloway is everybody’s engine.”
— Editor
Please send your antique engine pages to Gas Engine Magazine, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265 or email editor@gasenginemagazine.com. Images cannot be returned.
Originally published as “Galloway by Mail” in the June/July 2023 issue of Gas Engine Magazine.