National EDGE&TA 43138 Road 52 Reedley, California 93654
Charlie Parrish, founder of the Ag Historical Museum in Merced,
California, located the remains of the engine in the photo
somewhere in Utah. All that was left were the flywheels and the
block. Charlie purchased these remains and took it back to his
private workshop at Merced, and with the assistance of his friend
Elmer Nelson they were able to assemble it and had it running,
which required countless hours of diligent labor. Today, Charlie
has it proudly displayed together with some 120 other restored
engines at the Ag Museum which is open for public viewing.
When visiting the 1998 EDGE&TA National Show June 12-14,
please make additional plans to visit this Ag Museum at 4498 E.
Highway 140 in Merced, which is only 15 miles north of Chowchilla,
the home of the National Show. The Ag Museum invites the public,
and especially those who are interested in antique engines, to join
Charlie and his associates for a dinner on June 11th, as they host
a delegation of 50 engine collectors from England. In addition to
the above exposition, this same Museum under the supervision of
Charlie Parrish, will host its own annual show on September 18-20,
1998 which will be an educational feature by itself. For additional
details feel free to call the Ag Museum at 209-383-1912.