Two-Cylinder Club Offers Antique Product Folders

By Staff
Published on September 1, 1991

Submitted by Dave Trumbauer, Two-Cylinder Club P.O. Box 2275
Waterloo, Iowa 50704

The Two Cylinder Club Worldwide has been authorized by Deere
& Company to offer reproductions of 18 old John Deere tractor
folders to members and non-members alike. The oldest folder is a
1929 black-and-white, 8-page issue featuring a John Deere Model
‘GP’ tractor, a 2-bottom plow, a 3-bot-tom plow, 3-row
integral planter, and a 3-row front-mounted cultivator. The most
recent is a 1959 full-color, 28-page folder which features the
General-Purpose 530, 630, and 730 tractors,.

The Two Cylinder Club Worldwide is a non-profit organization
formed in 1984 with 500 members and now has over 18,500 members in
22 countries and all 50 states, devoted to the restoration,
collection and history of John Deere two-cylinder tractors.

‘The club is now approaching 19,000 members and the requests
for information regarding these two-cylinder tractors are
increasing every day,’ said Jack Cherry, one of two directors
of the club. ‘We believe these folders will go a long way to
help some of our members get answers to many of their

The recent interest in antique tractors has caused a
corresponding interest in and demand for old John Deere product
folders, according to Ralph Hughes, Deere & Company’s
advertising director.

‘Sales folders from the 70s, ’30s, and ’40s
frequently sell at flea markets or in antique shops for $10 to $25
a copy, depending on the condition of the folder and the rarity of
the tractor model featured,’ Hughes said. ‘We believe these
folders will help restorers of old John Deere two-cylinder tractors
get the accuracy of detail they strive for.’

Also reproduced are product folders for pre-World War II orchard
tractors, crawler tractors, hi-crop tractors and standard-tread
tractors; tractor model numbers include A, B, G, H, M, GP, AO, BO,
L, and LA.

Initially these folders may be purchased by mail only from the
Two-Cylinder Club, P.O. Box 2275, Waterloo, Iowa 50704.

Additional sales outlets may be provided if there is sufficient
demand. Information may be obtained from the club by mail, or by
calling 319-232-3402.

The club is offering the folders for sale individually, in
groups of four or five, or as a full set.

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