3379 Macedonia Rd., Bethel, Ohio 45106.
Since the Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show has started a
formal registry on all Ford & Fordson tractors, the mail has
been pouring in. A substantial number of tractors have been
compiled to date in the registry. All owners, tractors, and serial
numbers have been input into a computer for easy access and
printing. The forming of this registry is just one of several
events leading up to the National Ford Featured Show celebrating
the 50th Anniversary of the 2N at Georgetown, Ohio on August 13,
14, 15, & 16, 1992.
This event will feature numerous Ford tractors, equipment, and
memorabilia. There will also be several Fordsons and Ford tractors
at work throughout the grounds for such things as plowing
demonstrations, sawing, etc. Since Fordsons are notorious for
horror stories on their starting characteristics, it is only
fitting to also have a Fordson crank up contest. Anybody interested
in showing or coming to this event, please contact O.V.A.M., P.O.
Box 435, Georgetown, Ohio 45121. If anybody has a Ford tractor and
you have not yet sent in the serial number and model, please do so,
so your tractor is not left out of the registry.