Northern Indiana Power From The Past, Inc.

By Staff
Published on December 1, 1990
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This 1935 TD35 crawler tractor was shown by the Tom Cline family at this year's show.
This 1935 TD35 crawler tractor was shown by the Tom Cline family at this year's show.
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A 1929 10-20 and a 1922 International 8-16, owned by Clyde Berkshire.
A 1929 10-20 and a 1922 International 8-16, owned by Clyde Berkshire.

P.O. Box 237 Royal Center, Indiana 46978

The 1990 Northern Indiana Power From the Past held its 13th
annual show July 19-22 at Winamac, Indiana. We featured
International tractors and all other related International
equipment and memorabilia. A record crowd came despite the rainy
weather; this was our biggest show ever. We had exhibitors from all
over the Midwest, as well as visitors from 22 states, Canada, and
the Netherlands.

The big red tent was filled with all kinds of International
literature, pedal tractors, and memorabilia. Over the grounds were
214 IH tractors, 15 IH trucks, and 396 IH gas engines, as well as a
good selection of other make tractors and equipment. We also had
five steam engines, three threshers, and a large and small saw
mill, plus a very large flea market.

As an added feature, we had a show tractor of a
1/16 scale Farmall 350 toy tractor. The
tractors were serial numbered and #1 was raffled off. We will have
a VCR tape of the show at a later date.

This all added to the highlight of Saturday, July 21, in which a
meeting of some 275 IH enthusiasts eager to form an IH Collectors
Club was held. This meeting came about through the efforts of Clyde
Berkshire and Fremont Hoover, who thought it was time someone did
something to start a club. With some discussion and a few minutes,
the International Harvester Collectors Club was formed. A
president, Fremont Hoover, and a Board of Directors were chosen.
The nine directors, all volunteers, that were chosen are: Larry
Eipers and Kelly Birkey of Illinois; Harry King and Mike Androvitch
of Ohio; Mark Clemans, Randy Sottong, Howard Lord, Clyde Berkshire,
and Fremont Hoover of Indiana. An official logo was approved and by
the end of the day, over 200 were paid charter members of the club.
A commemorative toy tractor, serial #350, of the Farmall 350s, was
auctioned off for $175 by Bob Smith, which went along with the
theme of the show.

The IH Collectors Club is open to anyone who is interested in
IH. All Club events and news will be published in the Red Power
Magazine. Anyone interested in joining may send $2 and an SASE to
Fremont Hoover, RR 2, Winamac, Indiana 46996, phone 219-278-7277 or
Clyde Berkshire, Box 237, Royal Center, Indiana 46978, phone
219-643-3115 during the day.

The 1991 14th annual show at Winamac, Indiana, will feature John
Deere tractors and equipment July 18-21, 1990. So, all you John
Deere enthusiasts, get your items ready-see you there!

Also, the Northern Indiana Power From the Past will sponsor
their third annual Winter Toy Show on January 20, 1991, in Star
City, Indiana.

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