R, 2 Box 18 Roanoke, Illinois 61561-9610
Our members of the Haas Tractor Clubs asked me to bring you up
to date on our recent get together and our organization meeting at
Baraboo, Wisconsin.
‘This baby is alive and well!’ was conceived about a
year ago by several Haas tractor owners. Using a list of owner
names and addresses compiled by Ed Spiess prior to his illness and
turned over to Don Mill of Pentwater, Michigan, Bob Haas of
Roanoke, Illinois, sent out the first letter to that list about a
year ago. Bob was somewhat disappointed with the letters returned
due to incomplete or incorrect addresses. By phone calls and word
of mouth, the list of names was corrected and has now grown to
about twenty.
Bob Haas has acted as coordinator and arranged for the first
annual get together and showing in conjunction with the Badger
Steam and Gas Show at Baraboo, Wisconsin. This proved to be an
excellent location and show that attracted thirteen of the rare
tractors, the largest group ever to be assembled at one place since
they were made. We had about equal numbers of Model B and Model D
tractors and, as yet, no A Model has ever been found. All of the
Haas tractors were made by Metal Parts Corp. of Racine, Wisconsin.
The A and B tractors used a Haas-made engine with a mix of model A
Ford car engine parts inside the Haas cast block, and coupled with
a Borg Warner transmission. The Model D used a bigger Continental
140 cubic inch engine and Clark transmission with a Rockford clutch
and Ross steering. The small company also had a complete line of
tillage and other attachments to use with them. The model D also
had a Cat 1 three point available if needed.
Our club is well aware that we will never be a large group,
since these tractors are so rare, but this tends to make us a close
knit friendly bunch with a simple organization. Low yearly dues pay
for the postage to send out a regular newsletter edited by
coordinator Bob Haas. This letter consists of tips and pointers on
restoration, as well as sources for needs, and dates and places for
shows. We are compiling a serial number list to go along with our
data base and usually send along an article of interest or tips
from one of the members or the coordinator. Since no owners manuals
have ever been found, we are compiling our own. Don Miller put
together a loose leaf binder on the B and we will add to it as
things come to pass. Bob Haas has plans for one on the Model D. Our
goals are simple and patterned after the Ed Spiaess Example:
1)To promote the hobby of collecting and restoring rare farm
equipment, especially Haas tractors.
2)To strive for the standard that Ed achieved in his life of
being helpful, friendly and encouraging to everyone.
3) To strive for the good fellowship that we can attain in this
common activity by helping others in whatever way we can.
4) By sharing ideas, knowledge, literature, parts and anything
of common interest that helps to promote friendship and lifelong
acquaintances that will never be forgotten.
I’d like to close on a couple of interesting notes we
learned at and from the show.
1) No two tractors are identical or alike and we believe that is
how they were originally made.
2) One of the Model D tractors changed owners while at the show,
and the price per pound for well used iron seems to be holding up
very well if it has the ‘HAAS’ name cast in it.
If anyone has a desire for more information or has a HAAS and
wants to join, give me a call and we’ll give it our best. I
also hope that I might hear of someone who wants to sell one of the
little red machines that bear my family name and add it to our
lonesome Model D. Write to me at the above address or phone: