National Dir. Fordson Tractor Club 250 Robinson Road Cave
Junction, Oregon 97523
While working on the restoration of this Ford 8-N, the idea came
to me to display an unusual 8-N, something a bit different from all
the other 25 antique tractors at the Fordson Tractor Club
headquarters in Oregon. So, over a period of five years, a lot of
thought went into how to make it appear MORE unusual and stand out.
Originally, it was purchased without an engine, the fenders rusted
out, body parts welded here and there, hood crushed in, grill
ruined by powering a front end loader. Bill Wallner, a close friend
who also lives here in Cave Junction, Oregon, took on the task of
finding an engine and overhauling it. Once assembled on wheels it
could be moved here and there when the mood came up to do some work
on it. While Bill is better known as a specialist on one-lung
engines, he had overhauled a number of Fords over the years.
This still left a lot to be done. Since it was intended to enter
it into the annual Father’s Day Show at Pottsville, Oregon,
home of Branch 9, EDGE&TA, and time was running out, it was put
on a trailer and taken to Rogue River, about 55 miles away where
Dave Storeide has a shop that specializes in the rebuilding of Ford
9- N’s and 8-N’s. The previous year Dave had displayed a
beautiful 9-N that, outside of the blue-painted body, could hardly
be distinguished from new. So, the rest of the tractor the body
work, wiring, mechanics, etc. was in good hands.
Meanwhile the idea came up to install steel wheels all the way
around. The only trouble is that 8-N’s never came with steel
wheels (as far as is known), so how to go about it? Having a pair
of front 2-N steel wheels, it seemed possible to switch front end
hubs and wheels with an extra set of 9-N fronts switched for the
8-N fronts. Some time past, two sets of steel wheels were
purchased. One set was a single spike model, evidently made to bolt
on the outside of the 9-N rubber tires so when the rubber sank in
the mud, the steel lugs would take over the traction. The second
set were double spikes, so every other one was removed and bolted
back onto the opposite side. The bolt pattern fit the 8-N rear
wheels, so this would seem to work. In case we wanted the tractor
to be reconverted at a later date, new 400-19 tires were fitted on
both a set of 8-N and 9-N front wheels. With the spindles changed
to 9-N fronts, new rear 11 -20- 28 tires were also bought and
installed on the 8-N rims, so any combination of rubber or steel
could be used.
Also wanting it to look unusual and outstanding for the show, a
gray Ferguson plow was repainted Ford-8-N red and installed. This
was the year John Deeres were featured at the Pottsville show, but
this unusual Ford 8-N received most of the attention, and thanks to
Bill Wallner and Dave Storeide, a ‘new’ Ford 8-N on steel
wheels was displayed for the first time ever seen!