These piston rings are out of an early Westman manufactured by Enterprise Machine Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota. They are 4-1/4 inches in diameter and 7/16-inch wide. The subject of interest are the tiny holes through the ring steps; nobody can figure out the reason for their being there. They are 0.040-inch diameter (number 60) and are drilled in all three rings. There is nothing unusual about the grooves in the piston except the locator pins being on the wrong (sealing) side.
Also included is a photo of the Westman before it was disassembled. It was found about 40 years ago by well-known collector Jack Strand of Plano, Texas, in the basement of a summer vacation cabin on a private island on a lake in Minnesota owned by the Westman family. It had been used to pump water. The brass nameplate was removed by a grandson to make a belt buckle. Jack found the grandson (now about 75) and he was still wearing the buckle and wouldn’t part with it. Jack eventually made a soft lead pencil tracing of it and had the nameplate recast.
John Burgoyne
(817) 401-0320
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