What Engine Is It?

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1968
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What engine is this? A reader seeks help with identification.
What engine is this? A reader seeks help with identification.
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Another view of Mr. Kempher's mystery engine.
Another view of Mr. Kempher's mystery engine.

There’s no single story here. Some readers/engine hobbyists just want you to know what engine(s) they’re working or thinking about or trying to identify or have identified.

In answer to A. L. Rennewanz’s “What Is It?” questions from the January/February 1968 issues of Gas Engine Magazine, it’s a 5 hp Domestic engine, side shaft model in
combination with a Schramm Air Compressor. Two hoppers cast
together, same bore and stroke, also two flywheels mounted on two
crank, two-bearing crank shaft. One side engine, the other
compressor marketed under name of Schramm. They were used for small
construction and mining jobs around the turn of the century.–Thomas C. Craves

I have a small marine engine which
has no name or numbers on it anywhere. Does anyone know the make or
have any information to help identify it? I’ve provided photos. It is two cycle with a three inch bore and a three inch stroke.
The solid flywheel is 1 7/8-in by 11 3/16-in. The lever just in front of
the flywheel allows the engine to be started in either direction by
changing the point of ignition on a rotating contact on the
flywheel shaft. The plunger type water pump is cam driven from the
drive shaft and directly back of the cam is a ball bearing race to
take care of propeller thrust. I am not sure the Kingston
carburetor is original. It is solid brass as are all other outside
fittings. The large throttle valve connects the crank case with the
cylinder port. Instead of an inlet deflector on top of the piston
it has a rectangular casting with a hole in the top which forces
the incoming gas to the top of cylinder.–George F. Kempher

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