Tom’s ‘CHARMIN’ Engine

By Staff
Published on March 1, 2001
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10750 S. Vroman Road Shepherd, Michigan 48883-9352

Halloween came early to the Power of the Past Branch, Michigan
show in July as seen in this picture.

The engine is a 15 HP Reid, owned and operated by Tom Fisk of
Montrose, Michigan.

At this show there is always a large turnout of big engines. The
‘boys’ who own them are a great bunch that have a lot of
fun with each other, pretending to not know whose idea it was to
decorate Tom’s engine. This writer knows it was one of the
‘big engine boys.’

Tom saw a lot of humor in his now named ‘Charmin’ engine
and left the white art on it for the day.

Men will be boys at times and harm less humor can be enjoyed by
all. Oh by the way, there were more than just this picture taken of
Tom’s ‘Charmin’ Reid that day. Thanks for the input,

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