22 South Cane Court Houma, Louisiana 70360
The engine and pump were purchased at different times in west
Texas and mounted as a unit after restoration.
The engine had originally run on natural gas so it was necessary
to fabricate a fuel tank and needle valve assembly for operation on
gasoline. As I wanted to drive the pump from the crank side of the
engine, it was necessary to make a mounting adapter to attach the
V-belt pulley to the flywheel spoke mounts and still keep the shaft
free from the crank.
It is not as old as a lot of engines, but it will run all day
with no attention except for fuel.
I enjoy and admire the ‘old iron’ but admittedly it is
getting harder to find, especially in this area. I am currently
president of the Bayou Old Time Engine and Power Association of
Louisiana and am getting more involved with the hobby.