I’m cutting this VERY fine with the deadline for this
article, but I have a good excuse-we only got back from our
Stateside trip to the biggest engine show in the world a few days
ago, and since we got back we’ve had major work done on our
house and my computer has had a major overhaul, complete with
rebore and valve-lapping.
Of course, the big show only took 7 days of our trip, so we had
time to fit in a visit to Kinzers for the Rough and Tumble, a day
at Coolspring, and a day looking at working oil wells.
Because of the size of the show at Portland, Indiana, it is an
ideal place for the ATIS Stationary Engine Mailing List members
from around the world to meet up in person instead of via a
keyboard, and this year the reactions were little short of
A small part of the area set aside for our meeting place. From
left to right is the 15 HP Galloway owned and restored by Dave
Rotigel, first seen when it was delivered to him in its
‘raw’ state at last year’s show; a 4 HP headless Witte
in ‘working clothes,’ owned by Arnie Fero; an English
Petter M 5 HP purchased on behalf of Arnie Fero by Jim French in
the UK earlier this year, rallied by Arnie when he visited us here,
then crated and shipped to make its first U.S. appearance at
Portland; two model engines designed and built by John
Portland – WHATTA SHOW!!! Wow!!!
But more than the show were all the good and kindly people I met
I wish that everyone could have been there, the show was larger
than any I have ever seen; 3,740 engines registered and over 900
tractors. There were 34 rows in the swap area, 300 ft. plus in
length, end to end, that would be 2 MILES of engines and
36 States were represented, plus Australia, Canada, England,
Denmark and the Netherlands.
Impressive-there were 5659 items in total-considering that there
was probably 3 times that in the swap/sales area I think Portland
will remain unchallenged as the biggest show on the planet for
another year.
I just had a great week in Portland, Indiana. I’ve seen more
engines there in three days than what I had previously seen at all
shows I attended before in all my life! The 15 hour drive each way
is well worth it. I’m exhausted!
Had another GREAT time in Portland .. . Learned a few things we
did not know and visited with many friends.
What a time we had!!!! To all of those we saw there, thanks for
the memories!!! To all of you that failed to go, what were you
I’m planning to go earlier next year (and have a non leaking
air mattress) and hope to meet a lot more friends. That is what
these lists are really about-friends; friends matter. Information I
can get from a book . . . If you can have friends and information
what more could we ask? Well, OK, money and . . .
It was good seeing many of the folks at Portland. I’m sure
there are a few that I missed saying hi to and I apologize for
that. There were a lot of neat engines there this year; more so
than in many of the past years. I think the list area has a good a
‘display’ as any.
Very big thanks for helping me haul my new toy out to the van
please extend my thanks to your friend who drove the tractor and
helped load-I never did get his name. It sure is great to have good
Once again, the generosity of ATIS members was demonstrated at
the Portland Charity auction, raising a total $2776.50.
This photo shows the concentration required in the sale area
when choosing what to buy! Jim French, Leroy Clark and Arnie
It will take a long time for the glowing smiles to fade and as
someone pointed out, ‘Only 12 months till we do it