R.R. 1, Ownesboro, Ky. 42301
My Nonpareil Famous engine, manufactured by International
Harvester Company, Chicago, Illinois. It is a 4 HP vertical, # BK
418, speed 450 rpm. It was bought new sometime around 1906 by a man
in Holland, Indiana by the name of William Land.
The primary use of the engine was to pull a buzz saw to cut the
family firewood.
Can your readers tell me what the name Nonpareil means? Some
people I’ve talked to said the serial number back then was the
number of engines built to date — does anyone know about this?
The engine may look small because of the way the picture is
taken in the building, but the 1? HP LB I.H.C. in the bottom right
corner of the picture gives you some idea of its size. Note the
corner of the Litz corn crusher on the left side patented in
October 1911. The engine will pull this crusher at our show this
coming year.
I have another rare engine. It is a Famous verticle air-cooled
engine manufactured by International Harvester. It is a 2 HP, 650
rpm, model.
I have over twenty engines in my collection and I am a member of
the Antique Steam and Gas Engine Club of Boonville, Indiana. I had
five engines at the show the past year, in case any of you were
The Nonpareil Famous engine – for those that are familiar with
the Famous 2 and 3 HP vertical models — they can compare the
The Nonpareil Famous engine – for those that are familiar with
the Famous 2 and 3 HP vertical models – they can compare the