Otto Gas Engine Works 2167 Blue Ball Road Elkton, Maryland
A good time was had by all at the 6th annual Otto Gas Engine
Works Swap Meet and Show in September, 1983. There were plenty of
gas engines, tractors and other exhibits to see. Marvin Klair tried
to help me convince the spectators to cut up my winter’s share
of firewood with his portable one man hand operated drag saws. The
chaff was flying from the Ellis Keystone thresher pulled by Bernard
Matyniak’s IHC Farmall Regular. Bill Jones dazzled
everyone’s eyes with the shiny red paint on his 1942 Chevy fire
truck. Bob Roberts was making steam with his 2′ scale Case
traction engine. Harold Reed was practicing his road grader driving
skills out in the back 40 with his 10-20 Warco grader. Lee W.
Pedersen sold a lot of engine parts to put the finishing touches on
those special projects we all have going. Chris DiPietro provided
the motive power for the hayride/advanced transportation system
with his 1937 John Deere B. Ed Rhodes brought 3 of his engines down
from Maine to thaw out. His wife was surprised to go home with 5
engines. Saturday night bluegrass music is becoming an annual event
as provided by John Edgerton and friends. Many others came out with
their gas engines and other exhibits. Won’t you come out and
join the fun this year on September 22 and 23, 1984?